14 August 2005

The sweetest thing

I know she thinks I get mad about it, but the more I think about it, I find that it is the sweetest thing. Late at night, I'll be on the phone and the conversation is getting really sweet. That's when she falls asleep. Of course, I'm upset because I never want to go, but when I know she's fallen asleep knowing how much I care about her, it makes me feel a little better. So, sweetie, if you're reading this, I just want you to know that I miss you and hope you had sweet dreams.

10 August 2005

DVD Reviews

Let me just start by saying that since I started the night shift, I've really been taking advantage of my Netflix account. Here's a review of the movies I've seen lately.

Anchorman--Very funny. This movie had some very catchy scenes but I thought the story line was lacking. The dialogue was hilarious and Christina Applegate fit her role perfectly. I didn't think it was Will Ferrell's best work, but I'm still kinda partial to Old School.

Ladder 49--This was a spectacular movie. Although it's hard to picture Joaquin Phoenix as a good guy (after Gladiator), he was great in the movie and brought a lot of emotion to his role. Of course, when Travolta plays a dramatic role, he's always good. Definitely a movie everyone should see.

Hitch--This movie wasn't all it cracked up to be. It had it's funny parts, but I would say that those were more of a result of Kevin James and not Will Smith. They did play off of each other and made the movie funny. I would still recommend seeing it, but I'm glad I didn't watch in the theater.

Coach Carter--This movie was good as well. It had a good story, but it was predictable. Samuel L. Jackson played a role similar to his Mace Windu character in Star Wars, but brought the effect needed to be a basketball coach in a tough school. Good movie, good actors, good story.

In Good Company--This movie was actually better than I expected. I admit, I originally wanted to see it just because of Scarlett Johannsen. But this movie flowed very nicely and you could see the transition in all of the characters. Dennis Quaid played a good role as the older guy (actually playing a character of his own age). Topher Grace was great also as a 27 year old who had risen too quickly up the career ladder and forgot about how to live otherwise. Definitely watch this one.

Man on Fire--Wow, this movie was great. It was more of a thriller than anything, but I think Denzel did wonderful as a dark hero sort of guy. Dakota Fanning was great as well as a mature little girl who pulled on the heart strings of Denzel's character. I'm not gonna say much more, but this is also a movie everyone should definitely see.

That's it for now. If anyone has any other movie recommendations, please let me know.

Rain, Rain.....

This is just crazy....you'd think Central Texas never saw any rain or inclement weather. Wanna know the quickest way to shut down a metro area? Anyway, these August rains are out of the ordinary, but I swear, these hippies in Austin are unsatiable. If it didn't rain, it would be too hot and the drought would just kill our economy (which is expected in Austin this time of year). If we get rain, we bitch and complain because of the flooding potential and the increase in allergies (nevermind the cooler weather and lower energy costs). I for one love having this rain. And big deal, any fart in the wind causes people's allergies to go haywire around here. Yet, I woke up this morning to hear of flash flooding just north of me and in my town. It's kinda cool because one of our stations had their news chopper in the air to show us the flooding. I hope it all goes away pretty soon and I hope people know better than to cross low water crossings. That's how people die. Check this out....I just heard this saying this morning: The National Weather Service has a slogan--Turn around, don't drown! That's just messed up, but it gets the message across.

So, today is significant in my life for 2 reasons. 1) There are 8 weeks and 1 day until Jersey comes to Texas. Oh yeah, the countdown has begun! We're gonna have so much fun.

2) Today is my 1 year anniversary at Biomat. Wow, I can't believe I made it this long. But, I can't argue (especially when I get my paycheck).

That's about it for now. Everyone have a good day.

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