27 May 2005


Well, from my earlier post, I decided I would send out congratulations to all my friends who deserve it. First I want to congratulate Jana, Josh, Cassie, and Danny for graduating high school. I feel old now, cuz I remember the last 3 from when they were practically babies.

Then I want to congratulate Lisa again for graduating medical school.

Now a big congrats to my friend Lauren. She was on the waiting list for medical school....I remember how disappointed she was when she wasn't accepted in the first selection. Now she's gonna attend UTHSCSA starting this fall. I'm very proud of her for not getting discouraged.

My friend Addy is attending Nurse Anesthetist school in Ft. Worth. I'm so proud of her for going further and pursuing this career. I know your daddy's just as proud of you.

Lastly, my friend Ben got into nursing school. I know he's wanted this for a while, so congratulations.

(If I forgot anyone, or you want them mentioned, just leave a comment to this post.)

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