30 May 2005

Whew, what a weekend

Well, the weekend's winding down and I have to go to work tomorrow. Yay....sheesh. But at least we have a short week at work. And I have my softball game tomorrow, too. Hopefully it gets better. I have found the problem and it is to be fixed. The Fat Boy Following has yet to appear. It sucks when the stands are quiet, so I think some of the Fat needs to be riled up. I can't wait.

Fat Boy news....the Fat Boys have gone through some restructuring of late. First and foremost, Joelle's back and she lost some fat. Through much contemplation, I (the senior and founding member) have decided that due to her extreme remorse, she still remains a senior member of the Fat Boys. We have lost some members, though, so we lack in the presence. The good news is this year, Fat Boy Trav is actually playing softball. He has been a junior member of the organization, but I think I will bring it to a vote to announce him as the newest senior member. Some Fat Boys have retired...Jared, we need you back. Congratulations go out to junior Fat Boy Jana....she officially graduated high school on Saturday (even though she finished in the Fall). We wish you the best. Stay tuned for more Fat Boy news and hopefully I'll have some pics to post.

Well, this one goes out to my friend, Jersey...hope you have a good day at work tomorrow. It was really great talking with you this weekend. Make sure to train Willow, cuz Dixie's started her new diet and exercise regimen. She's pumped, sharpening her claws and tuning her primordial bark. Viva la Dixie!

I got to fix Dixie up on some sort of diet, but I've got her workout music picked out.
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