30 May 2005

Fat Boys logo--May 2005 Posted by Hello

Whew, what a weekend

Well, the weekend's winding down and I have to go to work tomorrow. Yay....sheesh. But at least we have a short week at work. And I have my softball game tomorrow, too. Hopefully it gets better. I have found the problem and it is to be fixed. The Fat Boy Following has yet to appear. It sucks when the stands are quiet, so I think some of the Fat needs to be riled up. I can't wait.

Fat Boy news....the Fat Boys have gone through some restructuring of late. First and foremost, Joelle's back and she lost some fat. Through much contemplation, I (the senior and founding member) have decided that due to her extreme remorse, she still remains a senior member of the Fat Boys. We have lost some members, though, so we lack in the presence. The good news is this year, Fat Boy Trav is actually playing softball. He has been a junior member of the organization, but I think I will bring it to a vote to announce him as the newest senior member. Some Fat Boys have retired...Jared, we need you back. Congratulations go out to junior Fat Boy Jana....she officially graduated high school on Saturday (even though she finished in the Fall). We wish you the best. Stay tuned for more Fat Boy news and hopefully I'll have some pics to post.

Well, this one goes out to my friend, Jersey...hope you have a good day at work tomorrow. It was really great talking with you this weekend. Make sure to train Willow, cuz Dixie's started her new diet and exercise regimen. She's pumped, sharpening her claws and tuning her primordial bark. Viva la Dixie!

29 May 2005

The World's Meanest Guard Dog...Dixie Posted by Hello

Go Spurs....Roland and J-Rod chillin on the loveseat Posted by Hello

Big Marsh. Posted by Hello

The Dylan and The Jake. Posted by Hello

Go Spurs

San Antonio, TX (28 May 2005)---Welcome to the solar eclipse. San Antonio has found the key to darkening the Suns of Phoenix. My Spurs are up 3-0 in the best of seven series. No team has ever overcome that deficit. But, if San Antonio can sweep the Suns, then they'll have time to rest up for the Finals. That's important since I know Tim Duncan's ankle is probably not 100 percent. Go Spurs. Good luck and congratulations on shutting down the notorious combination of Steve Nash and that thug, Amare Stoudamire.

Ok, what the hell

So, Evander Holyfield gave up boxing to take up ballroom dancing!?! Did losing a chunk of his ear really drive him out of his mind? I just saw this commercial for Dancing With the Stars.
Have we really sunk down that far that reality TV calls for us watching a washed up boxer try to learn how to dance? He looks like a fool. I actually feel safe talking smack about this. What's he gonna do, tango on my ass if he gets insulted? Hahaha, if the ratings drop, Mike Tyson's gonna come try and cut in. I see it now. Why don't they try Two-Steppin' or the Cotton-Eyed Joe? I can't wait to see what all dances they try to learn. He probably can't even do the Macarena, aight. Other stars include Rachel Hunter, Joey McIntyre (formerly a New Kid on the Block), Trista Sutter, John O'Hurley, and Kelly Monaco. They're each paired up with a professional dancer and will compete to a new dance each week. Wow, that's just plain cheesy. Hey ABC, put something on that we actually care about. Why don't you try to pick up a new season of The Contender since NBC didn't recognize a good thing?

28 May 2005

Willow the Wonderbunny

Ok, so my friend Kelly has a companion. I know, I know...she said she wasn't seeing anyone. Well, I happen to know she's got this guy who's always nibbling on her. He doesn't talk, but when he wants her attention, he bumps his bottom on the floor. It's loud enough to get her attention. Also, he's constantly destroying stuff that she leaves laying around. But this guy's downright kinky....he claws her constantly. Sometimes he even breaks the skin. That's just too much for me, but she's weird, too. She keeps him cooped up all day in this 4-story cage. She only lets him out when SHE wants him out. I don't know, sounds like a strange relationship to me. But she was kind enough to send me a picture.

By day--cute little bunny rabbit....by night--PaRtY AnImAl Posted by Hello

27 May 2005


Well, from my earlier post, I decided I would send out congratulations to all my friends who deserve it. First I want to congratulate Jana, Josh, Cassie, and Danny for graduating high school. I feel old now, cuz I remember the last 3 from when they were practically babies.

Then I want to congratulate Lisa again for graduating medical school.

Now a big congrats to my friend Lauren. She was on the waiting list for medical school....I remember how disappointed she was when she wasn't accepted in the first selection. Now she's gonna attend UTHSCSA starting this fall. I'm very proud of her for not getting discouraged.

My friend Addy is attending Nurse Anesthetist school in Ft. Worth. I'm so proud of her for going further and pursuing this career. I know your daddy's just as proud of you.

Lastly, my friend Ben got into nursing school. I know he's wanted this for a while, so congratulations.

(If I forgot anyone, or you want them mentioned, just leave a comment to this post.)

Weekend Update

Well, we blew the game on Tuesday and I've been pissed all week about that. It went into extra innings and the umps blew the game for us, but there's no use in complaining. So, now the weekend's here. Yay.....

My biggest wish for this weekend is that everyone is safe. I'm not doing much, playing pool tonight, and maybe going to Houston tomorrow. Oh yeah, my friend Lisa's graduating from Medical School. I am so proud of her, but it is bittersweet. We graduated college together, but she went on and I didn't. I don't want to take away from her accomplishments because after all, she worked her butt off to get there. I just wish we were graduating together. I'm still happy for her, now it's on to California to finish up her residency.

Now, I've got to go see 2 movies this weekend...Star Wars and The Longest Yard. I'll probably take my dad and brother-in-law for that.

Man, I talked to my friend, "Jersey" last night for like 3 and a half hours. I didn't realize how long it was until I looked at my phone. It's cool how time flies when the conversation is good. Oh yeah, Jersey, blog-lagger.

Oh well, I guess I'll get ready to go play pool. I don't want them girls kicking my ass tonight. Hahaha.....

24 May 2005

Softball Update

Well, I think I lied when I said I would update on our softball team frequently. So, here's the update. Since the whoopin' we took in our first game, we have since won the next three. I pitched two of those wins, and due to the unfortunate circumstances of last week, I didn't make the game. The team won nevertheless. Tonight we face the team that beat us in Week 1. To tell you the truth, I'm psyched. I know these guys aren't in my head, except for the fact that I'm not gonna pitch so much gravy to them. I want these guys bad....I want to tear them up....I want the umpire to call the game due to a mercy rule. We will beat them. So, now that's out of my system, I want to wish my teammates a good game for tonight. Stay tuned for an update.

20 May 2005

In Tribute to My Grandpa

So, today actually felt like a Monday instead of a Friday. The reason for that is that I've been out all week for my Grandpa's funeral. So, I want to write this blog (and others that follow) as a tribute to the life that my Grandpa led. Not only was he my grandfather, but he was my best friend, my hero, and my mentor. And yes, I'm gonna miss him more than anything, but now I know that he's no longer in pain and he gets to play golf once again with all his buddies that have passed before him. The comforting part is that in my 27 years, he's been my hero and taught me how to be a gentleman in life, and now I know he's up there in Heaven to watch over me as my guardian angel. That just goes to show, never take for granted what people give you as advice.

15 May 2005

The happy couple, the night before Posted by Hello

Lil Sis is Married

Well, now my sister's married. It was such a nice wedding. I was happy to see all my family and friends that showed up. And to tell you the truth, I couldn't have asked for a better brother-in-law. Recap, Stacey walked down the aisle bawling her eyes out. Stacey said her vows, bawling. Stacey walked back up the aisle bawling. The bridesmaids all were beautiful, and I got to say, the groomsmen looked pimp.

So, the food was great. It was so good that we actually ran out. Thanks to Roland's Aunt Nancy, the food serving line was spectacular. She did an awesome job at organizing the food and the cake.
So, I got to make a toast and I thought I'd get through it without crying, but it was hard since my grandparents couldn't make it. We were all pretty torn about it. Well, I didn't...but everyone was crying along with me.

It was time to party after that. That was the best wedding party I've ever seen and everyone had a good time. The alcohol was flowing and we were all just cutting up and having a good time. I made sure I got to dance one dance with both my mom and my sister.

We all made it home safely and they've spent their first 24 hours now as Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey.
And now I can relax and not worry about my sister.

03 May 2005


Alright.....update on The Central Thing softball team. Last week, we had our first game of the season. The final score was 15-9, but it was lot closer than it seemed. After giving up 8 runs in the first inning (four on a grand slam pitched by yours truly), we only gave up 7 in the others. In this league, each team is allowed one homerun per game, the rest are considered outs. While the other team only had the one, we cranked out 3 homers. I know the last two were outs, but there was a certain intimidation factor involved. Well, tonight we have our second game. After getting rocked last week, I am ready to pitch a great game and hoping the team has a great offensive performance tonight. Props go to the infield last week. They kept us in the game with spectacular fielding.

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